Tuesday, June 4, 2002

Memories in the Rain


Memories in the Rain
Orihime Inoue
"If I were the rain That joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch Could I join two hearts as well?"

017. 6/17
018. 6/17 op.2"Can't Smile Don’t Blame"
019. 6/17 op.3"memories in the rain"
020. 6/17 op.4"face again"
021. 6/17 op.5"戦う少年" (Fighting Boy)
022. 6/17 op.6"BATTLE ON GRAVEYARD"
023. 6/17 op.7"意志は鋭し、刃は鈍し" (Sharp Intent, Dull Blade)
024. 6/17 op.8"All One Way Sympathies"
025. 6/17 op.9"戦う少年2 (Fighting Boy 2) [The Cigar Blues Mix]"