Wednesday, September 11, 2013

47) [1st GEN] Analysis of Generation I, Part 2/5: Pokeball Mechanics

A Pokeball leaks radiation proportional to the mass of the Pokemon contained within, and the amount of radiation that the human trainer can safely withstand is proportional to their own body mass. This is why many young trainers like Youngsters and Lasses have lightweight Pokemon like Rattata and Jigglypuff, while heavy Pokemon like Geodude and Onix are always carried by a large and muscular Hikers. Of course, the radiation of those balls adds up, so most people are only capable of carrying three or four Pokeballs at a time, if that many. Gym leaders, being in a static location, don't have to carry their Pokemon on their person, and not being in constant close proximity to their Pokeballs, they can usually get away with using up to five. Red and Blue, being genetically engineered superhumans, have the strength to carry up to six Pokeballs at a time.

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